The effects of smoking marijuana excessively are many and varied, affecting your personality, your finances, your relationships and your health negatively. Reasons to give up are many and they become more pressing with every passing day.
Lack of perspective – One of the side-effects of marijuana is the narrowed view. This occurs both in the immediate environment around the smoker as they zone in on a particular physical object and in their life in general as they begin to hang an increasingly small crowd and become concerned only with the availability of marijuana.
Excessive marijuana use can also cause users to focus on small and inconsequential events as if they had great meaning and importance, whilst truly important situations, such as the failure of relationships and drifting away from one’s family go unnoticed cbd disposable vape pen
Relationships – social research has shown that chronic pot users have a severely diminished social circle, have difficulty forming and maintaining new relationships and ultimately allow marijuana to dictate the structure of their social existence.
Relationships become based exclusively around the procuring and consumption of weed. Anyone who does not share the users view that marijuana is central to the business of everyday life is systematically marginalized. This will invariably be the smoker’s immediate family – parents and siblings – and causes much tension within the household.
Financial – the monetary effects of heavy weed use are twofold. First and most obvious is the cost of buying marijuana. As the effects of pot lessen with use, because users quickly build up an increasing tolerance to the drug, it becomes necessary to smoke more and more. This increase in consumption results in more and more expenditure, which costs more and more money.
Chronic smokers, as addicts, prioritize their smoking habit and so will go without essential food items in order to maintain their marijuana consumption. The second financial effect is a stranglehold on earnings? heavy pot users cannot find the motivation to put themselves forward for, nor the mental ability to hold down a well-paid job. The majority of heavy users are either in “McJobs” or unemployed.
Food – as incredible as it may sound many chronic pot users are actually malnourished! Bizarrely, marijuana is actually an appetite stimulant and has been used medically with great success to help convalescing patients maintain a healthy appetite and speed their recovery.
However, as far as heavy marijuana smokers are concerned the stimulation of appetite – the “munchies” – results in the over-consumption of fast-food such as McDonalds and Taco Bell, as well as of candies and sodas. The long-term effects of such a diet have highly negative consequences for health.